vendredi 21 juin 2013

Best way of losing weight

Best way of losing weight

Best way of losing weight

Today, the weight loss is a thinking man and woman puzzle game. This is no big secret or a smart pill. The key to permanent weight loss is to understand how the body works when you use your fat reserves.
Intelligent people can use this knowledge to best way of losing weight practice and work with nature, reap success. Recently words such as metabolism, insulin, alchemic index and galantine an important role in diet speak have played. So what do they mean? Start with the basics.

Metabolism is the process by which the body converts food into energy or storage (as fat). Metabolic rate is the rate at which you burn this energy. Your metabolism is largely controlled by the thyroid gland in the neck, but is also influenced by best way of losing weight exercise and diet.
In the diet plan and the last exercise, the idea is to keep your metabolic rate high as possible for as long as possible. In other words, you want to burn calories quickly and efficiently.

Fortunately, both the metabolism and metabolic rate are changed. Crash diets and need to lower your metabolic rate to half rate meals, but exercise can increase and leave for several hours.
More importantly, can your metabolism to burn fat faster by the regular intake of certain types and combinations of foods actually reprogram.

Insulin and alchemic index are concepts must explain. Bothered important elements in weight loss. All food and drinks, the calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins.Carbohydrates, which can be made of a slowly or quickly digested area divided into starches and sugars. When we eat sugar (glucose) in the blood occurs to come.

How to increase blood sugar levels, the pancreas is activated and begins to secrete the hormone insulin. Spread the excess blood sugar and offers to a normal level. The more we eat, the kind of fast-digesting carbohydrates, the best way of losing weight more insulin, which the body needs to release direction.

Insulin is vital to our existence, but to lose weight, too much bad news. Unfortunately, insulin is also very efficient to shed in the conversion of excess calories and fat in the fat cells. Especially in the abdominal region. The trick to avoid excess best way of losing weight insulin in the blood, is the type of carbohydrate that takes time to be digested to eat is.

CIG Index

Recently, scientists have tried many carbohydrate foods to see how they affect insulin secretion. The results form the alchemic index (GI index). High GI foods, like white bread, sugar-coated cereals, crackers, potatoes and rice for a minimum weight reduction.Medium GI foods, such as coffee or basaltic rice, nuts should be kept, orange spaghetti juice can eat in moderation.

Low GI foods, such as wheat, oats, beans and legumes help to keep blood sugar levels stable and helps you lose weight, too. Most vegetables, except potatoes can be eaten freely and freshest fruits can be eaten in moderation. The fiber is in the reduction in weight. Not directly on insulin levels, but more fiber, sugars are released slowly and CIG Index.

Therefore take raw foods, armoire like brown rice, whole wheat pasta and much better for weight loss than their refined counterparts.

Recent research indicates that protein foods are high in satiety value. In other words, they are very good for switching hunger signals and let you stop eating, of course. Therefore, there is a good amount of lean protein with meals and snacks included, toucan help your brain recognizes when it has eaten enough. Can take over intelligence!

However, Fats, is a different story. The same study shows that best way of losing weight addicts brains very bold. You love it, you can never have enough, and to help you quit certainly won't to eat things.

Historically, it was probably a useful mechanism for the survival of our species. Now one of the main reasons for the epidemic of obesity in affluent societies. But help is available. The more fat you eat, the more we want, because eating fat that our bodies produce another hormone called galantine. Obviously makes galantine fat wanting more.

On the contrary, if we eat less fat, reduced our levels of galantine and fat they want. Back to the gray matter again. Not really wanting to fatty foods, is to be smart.
More confusion now, though. While most fats for your weight and health, other names as essential fatty acids (Defames) are poorly known are positively beneficial.

They are good kids. They limit the negative effects of insulin, increases metabolism, improve brain function and protect your heart. They also help move fat out of fat stored. For this reason, fatty fish such as sardines, mackerel, salmon and tuna which are rich in Defames an important source of protein in their full power.

Other sources include seeds such as flax (linen), pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds and cold-pressed oil of the facts. Olive oil can also be used moderation. In the final regulation three meals and three snacks per day. This Keeps metabolism works well and exercise plan is scheduled for next week, best way of losing weight will increase at a rate of more fat burning.

Ideally each meal should be rich in fiber, contain low or medium GI foods stable insulin levels and also contains enough protein to keep your brain to tell from best way of losing weight your hunger signals. Each case, a combination thereof, or a piece of fresh fruit. Highly processed, fatty foods, fried foods and junk food and sugary drinks should be eliminated completely in your diet to lose weight. At first, while your best way of losing weight enthusiasm and determination is great, strict with himself. Best way of losing weight, this is the way to get good results.

Avoid bad fats and confirm that the reduction of galantine work. Vegetable nature great food. Rich in fiber and antioxidants. Eating wide variety of raw, steamed or lightly fried. Calories anything yet! If you need more than you, regardless of whether they eat fat, protein or carbohydrates, you will gain weight.

Please do not make the same mistake best way of losing weight that many people have previous regime. Even if a food is healthy, not having a license to the neck! Use your common sense. Eat moderate portions, always. Start thinking and positive. Get smart with your diet, those extra kilos best way of losing weight and healthy eating to lose one part of your life. Good Luck.

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